Busy trade shows are a great place to network

Our Top 5 Reasons To Attend a Trade Show.

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In an increasingly digital age with so much information at our fingertips it can be easy to overlook the very real benefits of investing time (and we use that term very intentionally) in attending Expos, Trade Shows and Business Events in person.

Here at Promotional Film we are laser focused on one thing – supporting Trade Show organisers.

With that aim we wanted to share our top 5 reasons why you should attend a Trade Show from a visitor’s perspective.

1. Networking. Networking. Networking.

If there is one overarching benefit that attending a Trade Show can deliver it has to be networking. Email and smart collaboration tools are incredibly useful, but are no substitute for building personal relationships with real people in the real world. It’s so enjoyable to meet kindred spirits with shared goals and aspirations.

2. Learn From The Thought Leaders.

Trade Shows are fantastic places to participate in seminars, panel discussions, workshops, talks and presentations. And because they are highly concentrated within a relatively small footprint – these are all within a short walk of each other.

You also have the opportunity of being able to ask thought leaders, speakers and presenters detailed questions that are specific to your business challenges – which really is incredible when you think about it..

3. Identify New Strategic Partners.

The show floor is alive with the buzz of connections being made and common goals being championed. This provides a fertile environment to establish new alliances with related companies in your industry. The combined power of these relationships is often greater than the sum of the parts and can help you secure new business in fresh markets that would be otherwise unattainable.

4. Evaluate Competitors.

With a wealth of exhibitors present Trade Shows are the perfect place to carry out reconnaissance on competitors, this is a great opportunity to get an instant ‘snapshot’ of the competitive landscape, alternative messaging, value propositions and also get a strong understanding of competitors’ strong and weak points.

5. Evaluate Products and Suppliers.

With so many products and suppliers in one place at one time this is a great chance to discover and evaluate new relevant products and suppliers who can provide solutions that solve your business’ pain points and create differentiation in your specific markets.

So There You Have It.

Trade Shows really do offer a brilliant way to very quickly gain a competitive advantage. There is no more enjoyable way to learn about the latest thinking and trends in your industry and deepen your knowledge.

If you maximise the many unique opportunities present by making the most of every minute of being at a Trade Show, you can take beneficial new learnings and practices back to your company. You can then be seen to be responsible for delivering additional value that can drive business growth that otherwise would not have been possible.

So get out there and start connecting and learning in the real world with real people at Trade Shows and Business Events!